Monday, 6 October 2008

The Incredible Puking Man

So they told me when my last bit of treatment was done, I'd pretty much be able to go home.  I was an excited kitten.  Sleeping in ones own bed and all that.  Well, the last slow bag of fluid crawled into me and I had a good nights sleep, all ready to be up and out the next morning but, shock horror, I had changed...

Into the incredible puking man!  I was woken at 6 (as normal), loaded with anti-sickness drugs and then proceeded to spend the morning feeling nauseous and doing some power puking.  It was horrible and very disappointing.  Apparently, Cisplatin (the drug I had been receiving for the last four days) is a mighty puke maker but the effects could have been dampened by the steroids, which were now done. 
So, that was the morning, then in the afternoon to seal the deal my temperature went climbing to 39 and I felt like crud.  My head ached and my body felt heavy and weak, so no going home.

Today, I woke up, feeling a bit weird.  Temperature was 38.4, so they won't let me go today, but I've been improving throughout the day and not been sick, so with luck, I may get out tomorrow.  I must be feeling ok, as I've got the lappy on and am typing this.  
Anyway, just a quick post.

Oh yeah, if there is anyone with a blog out there in the blog-o-sphere who wishes to swap links with me, let me know.


Andy said...

Hi Rich,
I do have a blog but rarely write anything. I tend to twitter/use FriendFeed.

You can see what I've been upto here:

It also can put a link to your blog posts onto facebook...

Anonymous said...

What a day! Hope tomorrow is a good day and you can go home. Thanks for all your info. Lots of love to you little 'brother'

Anonymous said...

Hi Bruvinlaw
Fantastic how you can keep us smiling in spite of your unbelievably grim situation at the moment, your Dad would be proud of you!!
Cheers & Prayers
Peter <><

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick, glad to hear you are not puking now, am going to phone you in a few minutes to see if they allowed you to go home. Its Tuesday, 7th October, 5.30 ish spanish time. Hope your temperature is holding, we are all thinking of you, lots of love,
your eldest sis. x x x