Friday, 6 June 2008

Sat in the sun

Hi. It's a lovely day here. The sun is shining and I'm sitting outside (in the shade, as I burn like a petrol soaked rag right now). I thought rather than type a load of stuff, I'd post up a vid instead. I must admit when I played it back, I scared myself with my double chin. Where did that come from? I never had one of those before! I blame the steroids again (poor old steroids, get quite a rap from me).


Unknown said...

Wow. That's quite a party bag you got!
And the injection... is even scarier in the "flesh"
(triple ouch)

Hope you're still enjoying the sunshine
(I am)

Richard said...

You can't beat the party bag. At the start of the cycle there is quite a handful of stuff to take eash day but after the first week it goes down to about 2/3 lil ol' tablets a day, so not too bad. They usually give you too many anyway, so you build up a stash of spares. Useful in times of shortage or for possible resale?

Damnyoureyes said...

Alright matey, good to see ya
Hope everythings going ok